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Published 8 years ago by ckshenn with 11 Comments

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  • NomadiChris

    The ones that continue to support him though.... to me that's like watching history repeat itself, regardless if he wins or not. The hell is wrong with people nowadays? Seems there's a crazy virus strain running from continent to continent.

  • Appaloosa

    He's an idiot, but that was a typical NYC street tongue in cheek remark....and not one that should be made by a presidential candidate.

  • ChrisTyler

    Wow. A Presidential candidate mentioning the possible assassination of their opponent? That's just terrible...

    Hillary Clinton in 2008

    Chris Matthews

    Keith Olbermann

    More from MSNBC on Hillary's Comment

    Chris Wallace

    • joethebob (edited 8 years ago)

      I'm curious if you think the two are directly comparable?

      https://youtu.be/t1RA7awOSwM?t=2408 (full speech starting at the 2nd amendment segway)

      and the clinton interview from 2008 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0QAewVrR28

      • ChrisTyler (edited 8 years ago)

        Of course they're comparable. I'm curious to know why you think they wouldn't be? I'm also slightly curious as to why you felt the need to post a link to the Hillary Clinton interview, considering it was the first video in the comment you were replying to?

        On an slightly related note, for people who read this, the time-stamp link apparently doesn't work with the player here on Snapzu. If you click the eye icon the video starts from the beginning, but if you click the link and watch it on YouTube it starts at the right place.

        • joethebob

          why you felt the need to post a link to the Hillary Clinton interview

          Specificity of context mostly.

        • Appaloosa

          Thank you for this tech info

          • joethebob (edited 8 years ago)

            Looks like the time argument is being clobbered on submission, the raw video id is parsed and embedded into the class only.


    The assassination aspect is a press manufacture, and everyone knows it.

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