7 years ago
A mysterious radiation cloud spread over Europe in September. Russia finally acknowledged it.
After weeks of denying its existence, the Russian government this week acknowledged the strange surge of radiation that billowed over Europe in September. The French nuclear safety regulator IRSN first detected the radioactive element ruthenium 106 in the air in late September, tracing its origins to the Ural Mountains in the border region between Russia and Kazakhstan. Other European cities like Stockholm, Milan, and Budapest also began picking up radiation traces.
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Seems odd that they would first deny it, but then release a report acknowledging it, without knowing where it came from. In my mind that leaves two possibilities:
1. They covered something bigger up, that they were aware of, hoping that no one would notice (somehow), and are using the public prosecutor thing as a distraction, or
2. They actually weren't aware, and a facility in Russia is covering something up, so the public prosecutor thing is their way of finding out if someone's hiding something.
I guess time might tell what happened, although it sounds like (and sounded like, immediately when the news broke) that it isn't actually really all that bad.