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Published 10 years ago by chunkymonkey with 2 Comments

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  • sysadmin

    And the peeping toms love it.

  • MrsBean

    Used to live on the 10th floor facing west with a 20x10 floor to ceiling window. As much as we loved the view and all the natural light, the heat from the sun, not to mention glare, was insane. We didn't have to turn the heat on at all in the winter which was nice. Not so nice was the building wasn't air conditioned and we were the top floor. When we moved to a house in the month of October, first thing we did was install central air due to suffering heat stroke for 5 years! (possible exaggeration on the heat stroke part) I would for sure do a wall of window again, just ensuring it was a higher quality glass that didn't over heat us and was glare resistant.

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