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Published 11 years ago by canuck with 5 Comments

Vancouver Canucks vs Calgary Flames Line Brawl (1/18/14)

Short introduction: Game was to start as normal, but the Flames placed their 4th line out for the opening face-off, forcing the Canucks to match with their 4th line. The 4th lines are usually the less skilled enforcer lines used for on ice justice, which is allowed. This type of stuff happens quite often, but not the entire line of 5 players.

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  • Duffy

    Seeing that live would be awesome!

  • zobo

    I'm sad the goalies didn't join in. That would have made it a true line brawl.

    • canuck

      Loungo's first game back. And most goalies don't fight.

  • oceanix

    This was just the beginning. There was many other scraps after this, including a management shove-fest in the locker areas.

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