7 years ago
Trump launches military strike against Syria
The United States launched a military strike Thursday on a Syrian government target in retaliation for their chemical weapons attack on civilians earlier in the week.
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I actually do not pity the American people anymore. I've had it. Clearly their past and current leaders are steering towards a worldwide conflict, preferrably with nuclear weapons, just with the intention of gaining back some of the "old glory and power". To the cost of, again, millions of lives. If American people were truely concerned with the consequences of their bullshit leaders, they would have turned over that White House and Congress already. But no, they do not give a goddamn crap about that. Neither do they care for the millions of people who are dying and have died, because of their incredibly insane way of handling with the world. You know, North America is not just a bully, it is by far the worst thing that ever happened to humanity. It would be a great idea of the rest of the world to bomb living shit out of the US. Sure, it is also violence, but maybe that would kick some conscience into peoples' brains. Home of the free and brave my ass.
Of course, you have to take that with a grain of Saud.
So much for America First...