Ecuador 2014
In July & August of 2014, I took a sabbatical from work and visited my friend in Puerto Cayo, Ecuador (she's an expat from the USA, had moved there about 6-8 months prior to my visit). This was my first time leaving the continental United States. My passport cherry was popped by an Ecuadorean customs agent!
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Highlights of Ecuador 2014
Eaten alive! This is after only a few hours after arriving in Puerto Cayo, Ecuador.
The mosquitoes LOVE fresh, exotic flesh to dine upon.Puerto Cayo is a fishing village. They eat, sleep, dream of fish and pulpo.Cuba!The view from my friend's deck in Peurto Cayo. The screen is a necessity, as the mosquitoes are large enough to carry off small animals and lightweight humans.These guys live in a park in Manta, Ecuador. There's pigdeons on the other side of the park, but they don't dare venture to the Iguana side, as they tend to get eaten... -
Puerto Cayo, Ecuador
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