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Published 9 years ago by caelreth with 4 Comments

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  • OldTallGuy

    It's nice to see that some people don't use age as an excuse to learn something. Too often I hear "I'm too old to learn that.", I think the author shows that you can do almost anything you want at any age.

    • Pockets69

      that is the most stupid excuse i hear when i am teaching something to my dad "I am not your age" it just annoys the hell out of me. Old folk want everything done for them, they don't care to learn, and prefer to have everything done by someone else.

      It's disappointing.

  • learnerkid

    Yet, here I am, finding excuses to not continue to learn coding after a break because I am now 30 and too busy to find time. I will get back to learning C where I left off (Arrays) starting today.

    • caelreth

      Good ol' C arrays. Have fun :)

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