9 years ago
The Bernie Sanders Surge Is About Bernie, Not Hillary
“The recent rise of Bernie Sanders,” wrote Vox’s Jonathan Allen last week, “points as much to [Hillary] Clinton’s vulnerability as Sanders’s strength.” Allen went on to argue that Joe Biden should …
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When I saw this pop up on reddit, I thought, "Oh no, people are going to flip shit and call Nate Silver an anti-Bernie shill." Some people did, but I was pleasantly surprised that the top comments were reminding everyone that 538 is nonpartisan and gives a very realistic analysis of current data. That analysis of current data is not a clear call on the outcome of elections. There's good criticism to be taken from it, so Bernie supporters need to soak it all in and adjust.
Overconfidence would be the silver bullet for this campaign. If people want to see him in the White House, they need to keep the underdog attitude all the way to the primaries. They need to get votes one-by-one, person-to-person. It's the only way Bernie can win.
I took the Isidewith quiz and ended up getting Bernie. It saddens me that Hillary has such a strong hold of the democratic party right now, and Bernie has almost reached his name recognition cap. I have a feeling that if they don't attack too much, he might end up being her VP. According to the article they had a matching veto 93% of the time while they were in the senate. I'd say at the moment he's got a decent chance as a #2 on a Clinton-Sanders ticket. It saddens me, but I honestly don't think he'll be polling in the lead by next spring.
It's an uphill battle for sure, but I still absolutely think that if his supporters keep working as hard as they have been and create more supporters who continue that pattern, he can win this. If you like Bernie and think, regardless of current chances, he would be the best choice for the White House, then get active in promoting him! :)
Personally, I would hate to see Sanders as VP. It would lessen his influence considerably. If he doesn't make it to president, he will much more effective in the Senate as a liberal voice. The VP is traditionally a powerless position, and there is no way Clinton would let him attack her from the left as her VP, which I want him to do if she wins.
And I think Sanders knows this and would never take it. And I think Clinton knows this and would never even ask.
That would be an interesting ticket to see. I honestly don't know how I'd feel about it.