9 years ago
Atom 1.0 from GitHub, the new R consortium, and more news
In this week's edition of our open source news roundup, we take a look at Atom 1.0 from GitHub, the new R consortium, and more! Open source news: June 27 - July 3, 2015
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The static code analysis and linting tools in Atom are fantastic: https://atom.io/packages/linter http://atomlinter.github.io/
Good to know! Any other experience with Atom you can share with those who might not have tried it yet?
Customization is a strong point. There are over 700 themes right now (https://atom.io/themes). Some are unique themes and others are ports from other popular editors. Lots of great plug-ins as well:
- Multiple Cursors/Vertical text selection: https://github.com/bigfive/atom-sublime-select
-Vim Keybindings: https://atom.io/packages/vim-mode
- Minimap emulates Sublimes famous map overview of source code: https://atom.io/packages/minimap
- Script lets you run code in the editor, which almost makes this an IDE of sorts: https://atom.io/packages/script
That being said, Atom does take a while to load (about 7-10 seconds on my machine) but once it's up and running, speed hasn't been much of an issue.