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Published 9 years ago by avitadcosta with 0 Comments
  • Latest Trends to be followed in Web designing

    There has been tremendous amount of change in the way designers are making the websites in recent times. Many users have shifted to various mobile platforms which supports HTML5/CSS web standards. Keeping up with the latest trends can be really challenging for web designing companies as well as web designing services. The latest trends for the year 2013 overall are for more mobile-friendly as well as user-friendly and have unique techniques used by the web designers for creating useful websites.

    Responsive layout and fluid design

    The increasing demand for cellular devices such as Tablets and latest Smartphones recently has actually made the web designers think to make something which can offer an optimal browsing of internet. They came up with a solution which is responsive web design also known as responsive layout and fluid design which is very well known to the web designers and it was one of the most successful trends for the year 2012. This technique focuses on making navigation easier and also helps to make reading experience much easier to the user who visits webpage from any cellular device. Minimum scrolling is required to be done if the webpage is designed with responsive web design technique. Also, this technique makes the layout of the webpage quite flexible which fits into the Smartphone 5-inch screen easily same way at it fits the 25-inch monitor of computer screen. The three main concepts of web designing are Flexible Images, Media Queries, and Fluid Grids which determine the functionality of responsive web design.

    Single page web design

    It gets difficult to navigate between different websites with numerous sections, if there is little amount of content on every single page. A single page web design is a better method. In this method, instead of multiple pages, a section is split horizontally into various content areas. This is a much easier method for the users to navigate.

    Infinite scrolling or Endless Pages

    This technique has started using more often on the web pages and is seen on different social networking websites such as facebook, twitter, Pinterest etc. Infinite scrolling or endless pages is basically a designing technique which gets content from different pages and add it to the visitors current page. It is one of the best ways to hold website visitor as the visitors does not have to put many efforts in navigating a website but can simply scroll it down.

    More cellular friendly websites So many people are using mobile phone to access internet nowadays. Earlier only computer and laptops were used for internet purpose. Web designers are very well aware about the market needs and design websites which can be easily accessible on iphone, Smartphones and windows 8 phones. This website is especially designed for mobile users only and is quite different from the responsive site.

    Huge Background Picture A picture is worth a thousand words! Many web designing companies use huge background pictures rather than flashy ads. They usually avoid using just one color or usual backgrounds with interesting pictures and photography. The web designers need to keep in mind the size of the file to minimum for quick loading time. Moreover this can be really helpful when the picture is relevant.

    Do not forget the social media buttons Social media is one element which is growing faster and gaining popularity in this digital world. Hence it is important to include badges of various social media sites which will help to increase client engagement and interest. Social media is quite huge. Hence any website which is worth visiting should have social media buttons including Pinterest, Facebook and Twitter among others. These must be incorporated to any website looking to keep visitors coming back and getting new ones.

    No More Flashes

    HTML 5, CSS and JavaScript have more rigid flash designs. New flash designs provide more flexibility and better user experience especially for the mobile users. It should not come as a surprise when the flash design is rendered obsolete in the future times.

    In this fast changing internet world, it is always wise for the web designers to plan for their future strategies keeping in mind the prevailing internet needs.


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