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Published 10 years ago by astonbarnard with 0 Comments

The Five Wristwatch Etiquettes

  • Here are all the fundamental etiquettes of wearing a watch. Read comprehensively to benefit.

    It was in 1920 that wristwatches started gaining fame however they’ve been around even before First World War. Since then, many different styles have been developed to wear these. There are certain etiquettes aka manners associated with everything to foster social interactions and make life more cordial. When judging your personality via attire and product brands you wear, ensure its not portraying antagonism towards someone. Let’s find out about wristwatch manners.

  • 1.The Wearing Hand

    Wristwatch can be worn on either hand regardless of gender facts however, left is more preferred. A common observation depicted that right handed people tend to wear watch or jewelry on left side and vice versa; this is to make them feel comfortable during work. The wearing hand factor is overlooked when expensive brands are concerned. Remember that timepiece is always worn near arm skin and never over shirt or coat cuffs.

    2.Just for Men

    Both men and women are sensitive about style in their own way but for a chap, it’s imperative that overall attire resembles to the theme. Bulky sports watch looks good over casual clothes while you can also wear it during workout. Meanwhile, a slim and plain timepiece usually fits formal or semi-formal events but it all depends on what style is in nowadays. These thin and expensive watches are tugged under French cuff links of a formal dress shirt.

  • Dress designers, fashion experts and celebrities however has a different point of view as they prefer not to wear any watch with formal garb and regard it meaningless to track time during an event. Product material also matters like titanium watches are sturdier and expensive unlike their counter version; gold and leather.

    3. A Watch for Jewelry

    If buying jewelry seems expensive and impractical, pocket watches are just a fine alternative. There are many reason for women to wear a watch like tracking time, economic yet trendy substitute for gem and jewels or simply as personal style. Large watches are mostly for sports workout, mundane household chores or any other daytime activity

  • Dress timepiece is certainly reserved for formal events having a jewel-like spark to it. Bracelets, bangles or any other item shouldn’t be worn on the same arm as it’s impropriate despite of the event. Designer, theme and antiqued pieces goes hand in hand with particular dress, not all!

    4. The Non-verbal Communication

    You must’ve heard the phrase; action speaks louder than words which means non-verbal communication is a basic part of interaction. Behavioral scientists in their observation report cited clearly that more or less 92 percent human contact takes place non verbally that’s through gestures and body language. It’s difficult to let go of such habits but one must try with full devotion.

  • Glancing at wristwatch every now and then is considered rude as it portrays unprofessional behavior when someone’s talking to you. Self train yourself to avoid looking at the wristwatch or else you’ll be considered impatient and non-serious. Even if you’re wearing one, ensure it’s not visible to the naked eye; always keep it tugged under the sleeves.

    5. Doctors Beware

    Royal Hallamshire Hospital performed a study in which it was revealed that healthcare worker, doctors and other medical staff wearing a timepiece during work harness more bacteria than others. Henceforth, take it off and wash your hands thoroughly before performing any autopsy or any other major operation.


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