9 years ago
Adobe bids farewell to Flash, announces Animate rebranding
Adobe has at long last confirmed the death of Flash, announcing plans to rebrand its ageing web animation software as Adobe Animate CC early next year. The company has explained that the emergence of HTML5 and an increasing demand for animations that leverage evolving web standards led to the change. As it stands, over a third of all content created in Flash Professional uses HTML5.
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This headline is completely misleading!
Adobe's announcement concerns only Flash Profeessional. The Flash technology in the broader sense remains unchanged.
Many developers, including myself, use other tools to create Flash contents (eg. Apache Flex). This type of content (eg. swf's, like on http://sprite.slicker.me/flash/tutorial.htm) will not be impacted in any way.
BTW, interactive HTML5 content (eg. games) must depend heavily on JavaScript, and current browser incompatibilities make it much harder to achieve the same result in HTML5 than Flash.
It's not dead yet folks,so don’t chill the bubbly.