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Published 9 years ago by a7h13f with 7 Comments
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  • Cobbydaler

    This is so sad. I've always been fond of pangolins, such an unusual creature.

    • BloodyVikings (edited 9 years ago)

      They're adorable and I hate that they've been hunted so much.

      I have liked these walking pinecones for a while and wished more people knew of them, but that isn't the sort of circumstances I'd wished them to be known for. :(

      • NstealthL

        I had hoped that more people would know about them so that we could put an end to this. If I recall, they are the creatures that Sandslash is based off of, so I would guess there's a lot more people that know about them than we think but not enough apparently if this practice is so strong...

  • Gozzin

    Yes I have..Why can't these people be stopped?

  • b1ackbird

    This is incredibly sad. Those poor creatures! Being hunted to extinction on the backs of mystical snake-oil salesmen. Sharing this link with everyone I know! Thanks for the post.

  • TwoADay

    Fuck Chinese Traditional Medicine!

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