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Published 9 years ago by Zeus with 8 Comments

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  • neg8ivezero

    This is incredible! Probably my favorite tv series ever outside of Star Trek! Thanks for the find!

  • Zeus (edited 9 years ago)

    If you hurry, they're just about to start playing "I Accuse My Parents," one of the best episodes. :)

    • FivesandSevens

      Yeah! My personal favorite. I don't know why, but this one gets me every time like it's my first time. Other good episodes are just not as durable for me.

  • JediPug1

    Thanks! Not sure how I missed this bit of news, so I appreciate the posting.

  • Teska

    This is nostalgia in a video stream. My mom is a sucker for bad B-movies and I remember watching MST3K at least once a week and having a good laugh with my brother and sister. Even if I didn't understand the references, it was still entertaining. Sometimes it would become a game to make comments as well.

    • Zeus

      Oh yeah, me and my brother used to crack up even if we didn't get all the jokes. It's funny how years later, as you get older, you start to pick up on some of the references that went over your head as a kid.

  • PedroBear

    This is awesome! I was always disappointed there weren't more episodes on Netflix but now I can get my fix again. Thank you so much!

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