9 years ago
Windows 10: The end of computing as we know it!
IT leaders considering a Windows 10 migration as a cornerstone initiative risk having a focus that is a decade behind. Patrick Gray explains why.
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Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 10166
I've been in this program for the last 8 or 9 months.
When I try to install the next higher build they want me to make a new account to do so.
From what I see the new account would give complete control of my machine & OS to Microsoft.
That's not going to happen!
And I don't see how enterprise environments can buy into this.
Complete account control is only for the final stages of the insider preview before RTM and RTC, when the final build comes out and you update to regular old Windows 10 those permissions are not required. An MSA is required to advance to any build above 10162.