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  • 8 years ago
    Comment Triseult

    I know it's in vogue to bitch about Windows 10, but I've upgraded a long time ago and it's been a really, really smooth experience.

  • 8 years ago
    Level Up Triseult

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  • 8 years ago
    Comment Triseult

    The opening paragraph was strong, but my eyes started glazing over when the talk began about Walmart. Same old crap as always...

    The bottom line here, and one which the article does discuss, is whether having a political realist in office is better for progressive issues than, shall we say, a revolutionary. I agree with a lot of Sanders' goals and issues, but I just don't see how he's gonna change anything about the system. Eight years ago, Obama came in with his own revolution-tinged messaging, speaking about universal healthcare and even energy independence from the Middle East. He spoke of closing down Guantanamo Bay and getting out of Afghanistan and Iraq.

    But he also talked about compromise and about reaching across the aisle, and despite that he was blocked at every step of the way by obstructionist Republicans. It's a wonder he still got Obamacare through, and that Marriage Equality Act happened under his watch, through some of his SCOTUS nominations.

    When I look at Bernie's record I see a man who's unwilling to compromise and doesn't know the political game. He can't even win over the Democratic establishment, which is something Obama did superbly well during his run.

    Furthermore, Bernie is unwilling to support downballot candidates. It's a real damn pity because that would usher in a political revolution further down the line. Having a lame duck President would not.

    So yeah. Right ideas, wrong time, wrong candidate. I don't think Hillary will be the progressive candidate we all hope for, but I believe she can be a force for good for the U.S.

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  • 8 years ago
    Comment Triseult

    It's a girl running in front of Paris's most touristy landmarks and taking selfies. I don't get it.

    Posted in: Paris on the Run

  • 9 years ago
    Comment Triseult

    Interesting! I had no idea this was anything other than breaking the sound barrier.

    tl;dr: It's called "flow-induced vaporalization" and it happens under the right conditions, including the shape of the plane and the air humidity. Still a damn cool picture!

  • 9 years ago
    Comment Triseult

    I love both! I'll eat broccoli raw, it's so good. As for Brussel sprouts, steamed with a little salt and I'm good to go.

    Wait. Am I Hitler's reincarnation or something? He was vegetarian... Shit.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment Triseult

    Also known in Korea as "Spring."

    I live in Seoul right now, and no joke, this is a frickin' annual event. It's the time of the year when North Korea sees its food supply dwindle and they notice the U.S. military exercises are coming, so they ramp up the brinkmanship rhetoric and rattle sabers until the U.S. and South Korea back down and send some more foreign aid their way.

    One of my (Korean) friends was making fun of the H-bomb test by saying how Kim Jung-un must be so pissed off by the way ISIS keeps stealing the "bad guy spotlight" from them.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment Triseult

    Science is once again victim of catchy headlines.

    From the New Scientist article which Yahoo Finance(!) is quoting:

    What about those alien megastructures? Schafer is unconvinced. “The alien-megastructure idea runs wrong with my new observations,” he says, as he thinks even advanced aliens wouldn’t be able to build something capable of covering a fifth of a star in just a century. What’s more, such an object should radiate light absorbed from the star as heat, but the infrared signal from Tabby’s star appears normal, he says.

    So tl;dr: We don't know what it is, but it's probably not aliens.