9 years ago
King's Landing, Castle Black, Winterfell, and More: The Fantasy Art of Ted Nasmith
Probably one of the most unappreciated fantasy artists I've run into, Ted Nasmith has created beautiful images of scenes set in George R. R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire world in addition to a large number of works taking place in J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle Earth. Many more images can be found in the linked source.
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The Red Keep at King's Landing, seat of the rulers of Westeros.
Castle Black at sunset, primary base of The Night's Watch.
Winterfell on a winter day, home of House Stark.
The High Tower at Oldtown, home of the maesters.
Old Valyria, before the fall.
The Eyrie, guardian of the Vale of Arryn and seat of House Arryn.
The vale of Arryn, guarded by the great castles of House Arryn, including the Eyrie.
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They are all great but I like The Hightower at Oldtown the best.
That's a great one. My personal favorite is the Vale of Arryn.