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Published 9 years ago by ToixStory with 8 Comments

Images I had commissioned for my worldbuilding project, "Panthology".

  • Here are some images I had made for my current worldbuilding project, Panthology. The basic idea behind the project is that sleeper ships desperately launched from Earth, thousands of years later, land in an artificial start system built by long-dead alien precursors to house as much life as possible. The humans land on the coldest planet in the system, Gelidia, and the project tracks them from that landing through 6000 years of history in which humans rebuild civilization once more on an alien world strangely adapted to them, and eventually set off for space once again.

    The images show slices of life during various periods of human history on the planet, from the far future in one of many mega-cities to the earliest days of humans as hunter-gatherers. This was primarily as the project is massive in scope and will take, more than likely, years to write in full, so the images are sorts of previews for the project to show different parts of it that are interesting to me and, hopefully, to everyone else.

    Any and all questions over the project are welcome!


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  • uSansSnoo

    Who was the illustrator?

    • ToixStory

      The artists of the pieces are all on deviantart, and they are, in order of the images: colormate, Eru17, U-Joe, unihaks, and U-Joe again. All very good prices, too, considering the size and scope of the pieces.

  • Cuken

    Do you have any more information on your Panthology project? The images look great! Are they from multiple artists?

    • ToixStory

      Well, the problem with the project is that since it is so large in scope I only have snippets of things. So, for example, I have bits of information about the city in the second picture including location, religion, culture, its founding, etc., but I don't have details about the rest of the era yet. Partially this is because I'm basically having to research...well, everything to really make this project detailed how I want.

      The artists of the pieces are all on deviantart, and they are, in order of the images: colormate, Eru17, U-Joe, unihaks, and U-Joe again. All very good prices, too, considering the size and scope of the pieces.

      • Cuken

        Thanks for responding, I guess my question is broader in scope. Are creating this project for personal pleasure? Is there a grander idea behind all of this you can share? I understand your very early into the creation project of Panthology, but what is your end vision / goal of Panthology? Are you hoping to do some literary works around this world? A setting for a game or series you'd like to create etc.

        • ToixStory

          Ah okay. I'm creating the project for personal pleasure, funded entirely by me, and will be distributed for free once finished. My end goal of the project is a sort of anthology (get it? Panthology, an anthology of everything, oh I'm not that clever) of thicker volumes on the history, geography, geology, biology, etc. of the world complimented by short stories, literary novels, and more set on the world.

  • MrVelveteen

    I'm a sucker for a good super-city shot, and the second to last image does a great job of capturing both an alien and a primitive feel to it as well. Look forward to seeing more.

  • ToixStory

    The images are technically copyrighted to me, but use 'em how you like as long as you give a source. :)

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