Buying a House with the Perfect Yard
Landscape is a common topic among many homeowners, and often redoing a yard with fresh landscape or design elements is one of the first things that homeowners choose to update after purchasing a home. Ultimately, a perfect yard could vary drastically pending on a homeowner’s specific wants and interests, however there are a few things that seem to be commonly sought after among many home buyers when it comes to a yard’s landscape.
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4 Ways to Create the Perfect Yard
Fencing is not only one of the most expensive repairs that can be made within backyard landscaping, but it also a visual eye sore to have broken or down fences as well as a hazard for those who may have small pets or young kids. Looking for homes that boast fully fenced yards as well as fencing that is new(er) or has been refurbished is great thing to look for when buying a home.
Grass It may seem like an obvious thing to look for, however, you’d be surprised at how much effort it can cost to fix a dead spot of grass, re seed, lay sod, and fertilize a lawn to get it lush and green. While getting soft and plush grass to grow is most definitely possible, nothing screams “turnkey” more than extending the homes beauty to the backyard with a freshly mowed pattern in lush, green grass.
Pops of Color
In addition to the green grass, pops of color are a must! While flowers are a great way to add color, it is important to keep an eye out for landscapes that will require more work that you’re willing to commit to. For example, if you don’t enjoy spending your free time checking the pH levels of soil, purchasing a home with a colorful rose garden probably isn’t the home for you. Check for mature bushes or shrubs that produce colorful flowers year after year yet require little maintenance. **
Some sort of sprinkler system is easily one of the best features to look for within a landscaped yard. Not only does it make your job as a homeowner easier, but it also helps ensure that your landscape looks it’s best at all times as no watering’s are accidentally missed or on the opposite end of the spectrum, your yard and plants won’t be accidentally over watered. This could also help regulate your water bill!
Whatever features make up your perfect yard, whether from the list above, or more unique, you may end up saving yourself both time and money by searching for homes that already have some of your landscape desires built into the yard. While upgrading and renovating landscape can always be done post purchase, in addition to your wish lists within the walls of a home, make sure to also communicate all of your wants within landscape with your buyers agency, and if you’re lucky, you may just end up finding it all.
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