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Published 9 years ago by TNY with 9 Comments

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  • NinjaKlaus

    First it downloads quietly even without permission and now it's trying to install that way too. Microsoft Windows 10, It's yours by any means necessary!

  • smithcmau

    I am wary of anything offered to me for free. I was always taught that "you" are the product if something costs you nothing. Is there anyone here that knows the explanation of their business model with the windows 10 rollout?

  • badneighbor

    SCCM isn't working right now at my job, so we've reverted to using Microsoft for Windows updates. What a horrible decision that was.

  • evnalmightyyy

    We have that happen a few times here even on the domain since we don't use WSUS. It can get a bit annoying. It seems to happen on any new computer we image that was off the domain even for a few seconds.

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