9 years ago
Ultra-Fast 'Hyperloop' Train Gets Test Track in California
The "Hyperloop," a hypothetical high-speed transportation system that could shuttle people between Los Angeles and San Francisco in only 30 minutes, just sped a bit closer to reality. First proposed in 2013 by billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla Motors and SpaceX, the Hyperloop would transport passengers in floating pods inside low-pressure tubes at speeds of more than 750 mph (1,200 km/h).
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High speed rail can't come soon enough for the US
No it can't. The US is so behind compared to so many other countries.
That's because the US is so huge, airplanes make more sense in a country this large. At least the East coast has a decent rail system in place.
While that's true, line wouldn't need to be placed between NY and LA. Simply start with high speed rails connecting the large cities on the east and west coasts.
Even China has a far superior rail system.
Will be interesting how this works out