7 years ago
Madrid cracks down on 'manspreading' on public transport
A transport campaign discourages men who encroach on other seats by sitting with their legs apart.
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Oh, come on!
what purpose does this serve for non-obese people?
Dude, it's rude…
I agree. I'm asking why people would 'manspread.' What purpose does manspreading serve? I guess if you are a perv and there's a pretty girl sitting next to you, you might be able to touch her knee with your knee. Morbidly obese people sit this way because the have a gut that hangs between their legs. I don't understand why other people would sit this way.
Something tells me it goes back to an evolutionary period when we would pass the time by sunning ourselves on rocks. The fact it’s rude is both a reason to, and not to, do it.