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Published 7 years ago by TNY with 5 Comments
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  • ttubravesrock (edited 7 years ago)

    what purpose does this serve for non-obese people?

    • AdelleChattre

      Dude, it's rude

      • ttubravesrock

        I agree. I'm asking why people would 'manspread.' What purpose does manspreading serve? I guess if you are a perv and there's a pretty girl sitting next to you, you might be able to touch her knee with your knee. Morbidly obese people sit this way because the have a gut that hangs between their legs. I don't understand why other people would sit this way.

        • AdelleChattre

          Something tells me it goes back to an evolutionary period when we would pass the time by sunning ourselves on rocks. The fact it’s rude is both a reason to, and not to, do it.

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