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Published 9 years ago by TNY with 2 Comments

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  • Triseult

    The article is really interesting but the title is total clickbait. Sure, there are gonna be a few headaches when a substance that's been outlawed forever becomes legal. And although I don't smoke pot, I understand the concern of those who don't think corporations are gonna grow the best weed.

    What's likely gonna happen is that the substance itself is widely available and legal, and a few home growers keep growing their stash in what is technically an illegal activity. So what? On the whole, we can all agree that legalization is gonna be better than keeping the entire recreational marijuana industry illegal.

    Anyway, the notion of "home-grown food" is already a gray market. Pretty sure I can't brew beer in my bathtub and sell it without a license, but it's not preventing many amateur craftsmen from doing it. Ditto with "artisanal pot."

    • canuck

      Totally agree with you. It's just like any other process.

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