6 years ago
Jails are replacing visits with video calls—inmates and families hate it
We tried one of the awful video services many jails offer instead of visitation.
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In a few years they can try VR
That's a pretty low effort comment for something that furthers dehumanizing inamtes and makes it even harder for them to rehabilitate.
I don't know why I can't downvote, but you'd get one.
Snapzu's voting system is elaborate and well-considered. Unlike many such sites, the code for Snapzu is still molten. Not long ago, due to outright vote manipulation, mass drive-by downvotes and downvote stalking, a welcome change was made so that the newest users can't downvote. As you advance at Snapzu, you'll get more and more abilities. Soon enough you'll be able to come back and downvote the above comment for being flip, but you've already done one better by commenting instead. You've made your point in a way that reflexively downvoting wouldn't've. One of the worst syndromes that can befall a voting system like this is when people vote by opinion, whether they agree or disagree with a comment, as if it was about the numbers rather than what's actually important, the conversation. You'll know you're doing it right when you upvote things you disagree with because they contributed to the conversation.
For-profit prisons, why wouldn't they replace free family visits with $5 a minute skype calls? They already charge $1 plus a minute where I am for phone calls, more than the quoted 50¢ to $1 quoted in this article. On top of that require you have $20 on the account before the prisoner can call your number.