SquidooSenshi's feed
11 years agoAchievement SquidooSenshi
Rock Star
Followed by 2/2 members! Congratulations SquidooSenshi on this achievement!
+525 XP -
11 years agoAchievement SquidooSenshi
Judgement Say
Published 2/2 review snaps! Congratulations SquidooSenshi on this achievement!
+525 XP -
11 years agoReview SquidooSenshi
Sword Art Online: Infinity Moment best PSP game ever
An Article about the psp game based off of the Japanese Animation entitled Sword Art Online.
11 years agoReview SquidooSenshi
High Quality Headphones for under 100 dollars
An article about some high quality headphones you can get for under 100 dollars.
11 years agoLevel Up SquidooSenshi
Level 2
SquidooSenshi is now level 2 with 1,000 XP.
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