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Published 10 years ago by Splitfish with 11 Comments

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  • baron778

    How the fuck is this anti-terrorism? The government have become the real terrorists.

    • Apuljoose

      The government tries to spread the blame to make it easier.

    • bradd

      It's anything but anti-terror...

  • grandsalami

    Is this the story that keeps on getting censored on reddit?

    • eruditojones

      Not sure if it's the exact link, but the basic story, yes.

  • geoleo

    This shit been going on for decades. Not via the internet, but same idea.

    • ckshenn

      COINTELPRO is alive and well, it seems.

    • 8mm

      Probably Julian Assange too.

  • 8mm

    Why is this leak, possibly the biggest one yet, not all over the mainstream news outlets???

    • messi

      Snowden is making "conspiracy theorists" look more sane each and every passing day

  • Apuljoose

    I have been talking about this for a while now. Sucks having to wait for a leak of some sort in the media to show to my friends I am not crazy.

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