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How Solar Tracking Systems Increase Solar Productivity

A solar tracking system makes your solar system more powerful by orienting the solar panels such that the sunlight falls perpendicularly on the solar panels. In this way, a solar system with a tracking system produces more power than a traditional solar system. In this blog, we will discuss how a solar tracker works, and the different types of solar trackers commonly used in solar systems.

  • Functioning of a Solar Tracker

    A solar tracker has several components such as Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC), signal-processing units, electromagnetic and mechanical motion control modules and sensors. When sunlight falls on a solar system, the sensors convey information about the solar radiation to the PLC. According to the amount of solar radiation falling on the solar panel, the tracker rotates to maximise solar electricity generation by making the solar panels perpendicular to the rays of the sun.

  • Types of Solar Tracking Systems

    Solar tracking systems can be categorised according to the axis along which they move and the technology behind their movement.

  • Tracking Systems According to Direction of Movement

    Here are the different kinds of tracking systems you can get according to the direction in which they move:

    Single Axis Solar Tracker

    A single-axis tracking system tracks the movement of the sun either along the north-south axis or along the east-west axis. Thus it tracks the movement of the sun only in 1 direction.

    Dual Axis Solar Tracker

    A dual axis sun tracking system can track the movement of the sun in both north-south as well as east-west directions. It is commonly found in commercial solar systems and leads to more electricity generation compared to single-axis solar systems. They are less common in home rooftop solar systems

    Tracking Systems According to Technology of Movement

    Here’s how solar systems vary according to the technology used for moving the solar panels:

    Active Solar Tracker

    An active solar tracker uses a motor to move a solar panel as per the sun’s movement. Sensors judge the amount of sunlight falling on the solar panels and accordingly, the tracker orients the solar panel to face the sun at a perpendicular angle. They are best suited to large and complex solar systems.

    Passive Solar Tracker

    A passive solar tracker uses a gas or fluid for the rotation of solar panels. As sunlight falls on the solar panels, the gas or fluid gets heated up and evaporates. With evaporation, trackers start to move and tilt solar panels. They have low accuracy and don’t function well in colder temperatures.

  • Factors to Consider While Installing Solar Trackers

    Here are some factors to consider while installing a solar panel tracking system:


    Latitude of a place where a solar system is installed decides the angle and direction from which sunlight is incident on solar panels. Accordingly, a solar system installer can guide you on which tracking system is best for your solar system.


    It is important that no shade falls on your solar system. A solar tracker works by rotating the solar panel according to the amount of sunlight falling on it. If a shade covers the solar panel, there will be a discrepancy between the sun’s position and the orientation of the solar panel. Thus, power production will decrease instead of increasing.


    If an area where a solar system is installed sees strong winds, you may need additional safety features to ensure safety of your solar trackers. Solar trackers must be durable enough to withstand strong winds.

    Compatibility of Solar Panel to Tracking System

    A tracking system must be compatible with the type of solar panel you install. You can ask your solar panel manufacturing company if solar trackers are compatible with a particular solar panel.

    To know about types of solar panels you can install in a solar system, you can read our blog on the topic.

  • Advantages of Solar Tracking Systems

    You can get following advantages by using solar trackers:

    • Increase the energy output of your solar system, including the peak hours. A solar system with tracking technology will always produce more electricity than a solar system with a fixed tilt.

    • It could reduce the number of solar panels you need to produce a certain amount of energy. This is because the energy efficiency of the solar panels increases due to a tracking system.

    • In locations at a high altitude, the sun’s position with respect to a solar system can vary drastically between summer and winter. A dual-axis tracker can maximise the electricity production in such a case.

    Disadvantages of Solar Tracking Systems

    Here are some of disadvantages of solar tracking systems:

    • Installing a solar tracking system will entail additional expenditure. Therefore, final cost will be more than that of a solar system with traditional solar panels which are fixed at a particular angle.

    • You have to spend time, effort, and resources on their maintenance and inspection regularly. In contrast, traditional solar systems don’t require that much maintenance.

    • As solar trackers are made of moving elements, they are at risk of breaking. This can lead to increased costs in terms of repairs and maintenance. Solar trackers can be very heavy for a rooftop solar system. That’s why, if your roof is not strong enough for it, your only option will be to install a ground-mounted solar system.

    A solar tracking system is a popular equipment for a solar system. It can significantly increase a system’s productivity, leading to savings on your electricity bills. Depending on latitude of the place where you live, you can decide which tracking system is best for you.


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