Post Overview
Current Event
6 years ago+1 1 0The Government’s Foolish War on Vaping
Misguided health police are cracking down on e-cigarettes.
Current Event
6 years ago+1 1 0FDA Caves to Political Pressure - Announces Huge Changes to E-Cig Policy
The spectre of teenage nicotine addiction has been successfully used to change FDA policy regarding the availability e-cigarettes, particularly flavored vape juice and pod systems, to U.S. adult consumers.
Current Event
6 years ago+4 4 0Scientists Scare Up Publicity with Prelimary DNA Study - Ends Up Admitting Lower Risk of E-Cigs
Scientists from the University of Minnesota get dozens of articles written about a preliminary study that hasn't been presented or published but admit that the risk presented from e-cigs are far different from cigs.
6 years ago+14 14 08 Tips On How To Fix Your Sleep Schedule - When To Sleep
Use these 8 tips to help you adjust to daylight savings time, schedule changes at your job or any other sleep time change so you can get back to 100% as soon as possible.
Current Event
6 years ago+14 14 0Say Something Positive About E-Cigarettes? You Must Be A Bot Say Scientists
Scientists want people to think that any post about vaping must always be negative otherwise the author may be bot.
Current Event
6 years ago+27 27 0 x 1As California burns, many fear the future of extreme fire has arrived
Experts say the state’s increasingly ferocious wildfires are not an aberration – they are the new reality
Current Event
6 years ago+12 12 0Vapers Could Expect to Pay More for Equipment Due to Tariffs
The Trump has recently announced the most recent round of trade tariffs on China, which will effect e-cigarette production.
Current Event
6 years ago+6 6 0Maker of IQOS (Phillip Morris) Ordered to Stop Advertising Heat Not Burn Technology in UK
Phillip Morris, the maker of a heat not burn tobacco product known as IQOS, has been ordered by the UK government to stop advertising the product saying it violates the law.
Current Event
6 years ago+8 8 0U.K. Study Provides Evidence that E-Cigs May Better Help Smokers Drop Cigarettes
A study from the University of East Anglia in the U.K. provides evidence that e-cigarettes help smokers get off cigarettes where other methods fail.
Current Event
6 years ago+8 8 0Smoking in U.S. Hits New Lows AP Gives Credit to Vaping
The CDC has released new data showing smoking rates in the US has fallen to new lows, around 14% down from 16% in the previous year -- AP gives some credit to e-cigarettes.
Current Event
6 years ago+11 11 0Smoking hits new low; about 14 percent of US adults light up
Smoking in the U.S. has hit another all-time low.
Current Event
6 years ago+11 11 0San Francisco Voters Uphold Ban on Flavored Tobacco Products (Vape Juice)
The voters of San Francisco voted to uphold a ban on flavored tobacco products, which includes vape juice as well as menthol cigarettes, which was earlier passed by the city council.
6 years ago+1 1 0Prevent An FDA Flavor Ban! Act Now! - Save Vape Flavors
Call to action for all vapers
6 years ago+12 12 0Vaping products help smokers quit
We need to have an adult conversation about nicotine and harm reduction: Opposing view
Current Event
6 years ago+1 1 0BET founder: Trump's economy is bringing black workers back into the labor force
"You have to take encouragement from what's happening in the labor force and the job market," BET founder Robert Johnson says.
Current Event
7 years ago+11 11 0American Cancer Society shifts stance on E-Cigs in Position Statement
In a position statement released in February 2018, the American Cancer Society has changed its views on e-cigarettes and how they should be regulated. The policy statement will guide the non-profits efforts on tobacco control and smoking cessation ef ...
Current Event
7 years ago+1 1 0Web Journalists Abuse Research (Again) in Effort to Scare Public About Vaping
The Guardian, which has one of largest news presences on the planet, wrote a misleading headline on a story and was promptly copied by lazy 'journalists' around the globe.
Current Event
7 years ago+14 14 0Why FDA regulations limiting e-cigarette marketing may cost lives and violate the Constitution
Under current First Amendment jurisprudence, the government is not allowed to prohibit truthful claims about otherwise legal products.
Current Event
7 years ago+1 1 0Amid swirl of controversy, Democratic power lobbyist Tony Podesta steps down
His firm’s role in Manafort lobbying deal receives scrutiny from special counsel Mueller.
7 years ago+16 16 0UK Study Shows Vaping 99% Less Carcinogenic than Smoking
A study from the University of St. Andrews in the U.K. has shown that under appropriate operating conditions, e-cigs are up to 99% less carcinogenic that traditional cigs.