Dwarf Fortress tales
I wanted to share my love for Dwarf Frotress with you all guys, even if I _only_ played it for about 30 hours, I really see the depth and possibilities this game offers and took a great pleasure reading some of the player's experience. So here is a story about several player that ruled a game, I love how the story plays out and the madness surrounding it. Hope you'll enjoy as much as I do =)
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Dwarf Fortress
I love Dwarf Fortress, I think it's the most detailed and rich game I ever played. For those who don't know this amazing piece of art (yeah I sell it a bit but man it's a crazy game), you can click here to have a glimpse of the game's features and here to see the development road map (I think this game is still in development by one man since 2002 haha).
If you want to try the experience, I hardly recommend to download the Lazy Noob Pack (what a name huh ?) to have tools and nice graphic sets (ascii kind of hurt sometimes, especially in this game haha)
Again, this is an amazing game !
The link to the story is below, hope you'll enjoy ! :)
Dwarf Fortress Official Website
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