Post Overview
9 years ago+2 2 0The Sleeping Beauty Problem
9 years ago+12 12 0Really cool news. The new Fifa cover has Messi...and Alex Morgan!
I rarely comment on covers, especially sports ones, but this is a huge step for EA, to actually put female players in the game AND on the cover. It should make Sepp Blatter unhappy, and I'm always happy about that.
Current Event
9 years ago+3 3 0Street Fighter 5: all updates will be free, DLC can be earned in-game
Street Fighter 5 is going to take a very different and extremely interesting new approach to ongoing content support. Street Fighter fans had an expensive time of it with the fourth game. There were four major version releases and numerous DLC packs, ...
9 years ago+16 16 0Over 26 minutes of Monster Hunter X gameplay!
9 years ago+9 9 0Here's an apple for you! [1920x1080]
Text Post
9 years ago+4 4 0[request]/t/Soylent is in need of more flair!
While the plain black logo is okayish, A real awesome flag would definitely help in establishing a great visual identity for the tribe. And I thought that it would be nice to be the very first request this sub gets :D
9 years ago+10 10 0It's not sexy, but liquid food will change EVERYTHING. Here's why.
Have you heard of the liquid food craze? Technically, it's been around for decades, but a new approach to it is taking the world by storm. The company that triggered this is Soylent. This may be th...
9 years ago+1 1 0Yo-Kai Watch: Busters - Something to watch on your N3DS browser
Here's the first 15 minutes of Yo-Kai Watch, in 3D, so whip out your 3DS and have fun!
Text Post
9 years ago+13 13 0[Tribe Feature] A better sidebar?
I would like some better options to customize the Sidebar of a tribe, such as categories that can be filled in with infos regarding the community, not just a place for etiquette and rules.
There could be modules, like an event calendar, an about community, the rules, a info box, video of the week/picture of the week, etc... There are so many possibilities with modules! And then we could even write our own, if the system in place is flexible enough. What do you think? -
Text Post
9 years ago+5 5 0/t/soylent is looking for powdered food fans!
/t/soylent is the new tribe for all your discussions about powdered foods like Soylent and Joylent and so many more! I wanted to start the discussion over here, on snapzu :)
Text Post
9 years ago+2 2 0Welcome to the new Soylent tribe!
I'd like to welcome you all. I'm SevenTales, I'm from Quebec, and I've been 90% Soylent for a while now. Since it is one of my favorite topics, I'd like to help the tribe grow so we can have great discussions about powdered foods, the pros and cons, and what it means to live in an age where you can effectively live happily and healthily off of a powder.
Of course, all powdered foods discussions will be welcomed here, from DIY to joylent to queal, etc...
Welcome, and have fun! -
9 years ago+2 2 0[EN]Manana's Mana - Let's Play // Twilight Princes
Text Post
9 years ago+1 1 0Ace attorney, dual destinies is on sale, and is amazing!
I had never played an Ace Attorney title before, so I'm really really late to the party, but I really like the game. The character animations are hilarious and smooth, the story is goofy and cheesy and extremely nice, the gameplay is fun, the dialogues are hilarious...I heartily recommend the game. Anyone played it? What's your opinion on it?
Current Event
9 years ago+2 2 0Dead Island 2 hits a snag: Yager is officially out!
Dead Island 2 publisher Deep Silver has made the surprising announcement that they are parting ways with Yager Interactive, the developer behind the sequel, due to "differing visions". A new developer has yet to be named.
9 years ago+17 17 0Batman: Arkham Knight Won't Be Fixed On PC Until September, Claims Leaked Email
An internal email sent to EB Games staff members claims that, according to Warner, the PC version of Batman: Arkham Knight will not be fixed until September, and could even go as far as november.
9 years ago+1 2 1Where are the updates?
movie: “Warcraft Leaked Movie Trailer - more movie trailers ”
9 years ago+1 1 0 x 1Xenoblade [3245x1869]
9 years ago+1 1 0Fire Emblem if (Fates): Online Matches #1
9 years ago+1 1 0[Trailer] 3D Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - 3D Trailer
Text Post
9 years ago+5 5 0Wow. this place is amazing.
Hey there! I'm SevenTales, and I'm a recent refugee from Reddit, like a lot of people I imagine. I hail from the frozen kingdom of Canada, and I'm searching for my new home, hoping this'll be the place. Thanks for stopping by! :)