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Published 9 years ago by Saffire with 3 Comments

My pet spider, Peter :)

Natural macro, shot with my Canon Powershot SX100 IS. No post-processing.


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  • Saffire

    Oh, I forgot to mention the species: She's a cat-faced orb weaver, more commonly known as a jewel spider.

  • Saffire

    Does anyone have any idea how I should post-process this? I really like this photo but there is some glare in it because I took the picture through a glass jar. I'd like to reduce that if I can, I'm running the latest version of GIMP for my post-processing.

    • Saffire

      So I slightly colorized the photo in GIMP but i'm still not 100% happy with the photo. Any secret tips on what I can do better? I do still have the original photo (It's the photo that I posted) so I can always go back to the drawing board with it. I guess I'm mostly just looking for some good tips, I'm quite new at this whole photography thing so I don't want to do anything too drastic myself and mess up the photo.

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