Post Overview
11 years ago+29 29 0On Cyber Monday, here’s how to not get cyber screwed
‘Tis the seasons for getting monster deals online. But just because Cyber Monday lacks the threat of being trampled to death by a hoard of penny pinchers doesn’t mean you’re safe. Scammers, hackers, and swindlers of all types are lurking in grungy ba ...
Current Event
11 years ago+7 7 0U.S. man in hot water in Dubai over parody video
An American living in the UAE has been imprisoned since April, his family says, for posting what was intended to be a funny video on the Internet.
Current Event
11 years ago+16 16 0 x 1Bitcoin to host its own Black Friday
The Bitcoin community is gearing up for a holiday shopping spree by hosting its own Black Friday event.
11 years ago+6 6 010 most expensive restaurants in the world
Fine dining at Michelin-starred restaurants around the world can come at a price. But what you get for those high price tags (which can often be accompanied by sticker shock) are outstanding dining experiences that can take you to a castle in Switzer ...
Current Event
11 years ago+9 9 0Five British Greenpeace activists freed after Russian detention
Five Britons arrested by Russian authorities during a Greenpeace protest in the Arctic have been freed on bail after two months in detention. They were arrested in September on hooliganism charges with 25 others after a protest at an Arctic offshore ...
11 years ago+10 10 0Dancer in the Dark
An American ballerina makes headlines when she says the Bolshoi Ballet wanted a bribe to let her perform. The company denies her accusation. But a small library in Virginia knew about it first.
Current Event
11 years ago+12 12 0C.I.A. Collecting Data on International Money Transfers, Officials Say
The Central Intelligence Agency is secretly collecting bulk records of international money transfers handled by companies like Western Union — including transactions into and out of the United States — under the same law that the National Security Ag ...
11 years ago+13 13 0How the Brain Creates Personality: A New Theory
Are you a mover, a perceiver, a stimulator, or an adapter? Modes of thinking can be understood in terms of how the top and bottom—rather than right and left—parts of the brain interact.
11 years ago+9 10 1Lung cancer cases soar in Beijing
The number of lung cancer cases in the Chinese capital Beijing has soared over the last decade. According to figures published by the state-run Xinhua news agency, they have increased by more than 50%.
11 years ago+13 13 0The Rise and Fall of the World's Largest Bitcoin Exchange
Mark Karpeles is the man who built the world's largest bitcoin exchange. But now that the digital currency is reaching the mainstream, his success may slip through his fingers.
11 years ago+8 8 0It's Probably a Bad Idea to Resolve Arguments via Text, Science Says
If your relationship involves a lot of texting, it may not be the happiest of unions. That’s the most significant finding of a study published this week on how serious couples use digital technology to communicate. Conducted by researchers at Brigham ...
11 years ago+19 20 1Epic Flyover Video Shows Mars From Spacecraft's Perspective
The European Mars Express spacecraft has been orbiting the red planet for more than a decade, mapping the barren surface in astounding detail. Now, after 12,500 Martian orbits, the mission has almost entirely mapped the planet, creating a detailed to ...
11 years ago+11 12 1Why Facebook Shouldn't Show Your Teens' Pictures to the World
Not a week goes by without another story of an adult doing something colossally stupid on social media and paying the price. So why in the world did Facebook think it advisable to allow 13-year-old kids to make their pictures and status updates publi ...
11 years ago+15 15 0Why Stockholm Syndrome Could Be A Total Myth
The New Yorker's new profile of kidnapping survivor Elizabeth Smart makes an intriguing point about Stockholm Syndrome: It isn't a recognized psychiatric disorder.
11 years ago+9 9 0Brits were the first to eat frogs’ legs - not the French
Discovery close to Stonehenge means that the French - far from being the inventors of the amphibious delicacy - may have stolen it from British cuisine
11 years ago+9 9 0Selling Secrets of Phone Users to Advertisers
Now, smartphones know everything — where people go, what they search for, what they buy, what they do for fun and when they go to bed. That is why advertisers, and tech companies like Google and Facebook, are finding new, sophisticated ways to track ...
11 years ago+11 11 0A look at 5 scientific breakthroughs that haven’t won a Nobel Prize
The announcements of this year’s Nobel Prize winners will start Monday with the medicine award and continue with physics, chemistry, literature, peace and economics. The secretive award committees never give away any hints in advance of who could win ...
11 years ago+10 10 0These Are Some of the Most Otherworldly Creatures You'll Find on Earth
It’s said that we know more about the surface of the moon than our own oceans, and the same may be true of the lifeforms that inhabit them. Cold seawater and unfathomable pressures create alien landscapes populated by creatures as strange as they are ...
11 years ago+9 9 0Stephen Hawking: Brain could exist outside body but ‘conventional afterlife is a fairy tale for people afraid of the dark’
At premiere of film about his life, physicist says it’s theoretically possible to copy brain on to computer to provide life after death Stephen Hawking has said he believes brains could exist independently of the body, but that the idea of a conventi ...
11 years ago+10 10 0Marijuana use on the rise among fiftysomethings
The growing popularity of marijuana has propelled a rise in drug use among Americans, including those in their 50s and 60s, a recently released national survey shows.