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Published 7 years ago by RusSwatKatsFan with 1 Comments

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  • ohtwenty (edited 7 years ago)

    Why strawberries instead of paperclips? (btw have you played the game?

    Reminds me also of Meditations on Molcoh - it's an inherent flaw in competition.

    There are industry observers talking about the need for AIs to have a sense of ethics, and some have proposed that we ensure that any superintelligent AIs we create be “friendly,” meaning that their goals are aligned with human goals.

    roko's basilisk comes to mind

    We don’t need to worry about Google’s DeepMind research division, we need to worry about the fact that it’s almost impossible to run a business online without using Google’s services.

    It's possible, it's just more effort. You can ditch google analytics and go for piwik, but it costs you. You can not use google fonts (ironic that buzzfeed does). (on that note, snapzu doesn't use either; what's up?)

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