RoamingGnome's feed
8 years agoComment RoamingGnome
Anybody who thinks Don the Con wanted to POTUS for any reason other than to increase the value of his portfolio is delusional. His cabinet appointments so far have been so poorly thought-out that I have to wonder if the whole thing isn't some big joke. Maybe he is going to make a speech in the near future where he uses words with more than two syllables, tells us, "See, this is what could have happened", then introduces a cabinet and policies that will do something to help somebody other than the wealthiest people in this country. Now I'm starting to sound delusional.
Edit- The latest example? Rick Perry. Seriously? OMG WTF???!!! That's got to be a late-night-high-on-a-blast-or-two-of-coke-let's-see-just-how-far-I-can-push-this-thing decision, right? I mean, at this point he's just trolling us (er, you).
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8 years agoComment RoamingGnome
Arizona medical marijuana patients are protected. In California, they are not. I don't know about other states.
8 years ago
We won't see any change, at least none that is positive and is designed to make the system better for the masses. We will probably see lower corporate taxes and lower taxes for the rich, but that doesn't help anybody but them. It certainly doesn't do anything for our atrocious schools, healthcare and crumbling infrastructure. But, the people who make the rules send their kids to private schools, they have the best healthcare in the world and they travel around in limousines and private jets so they don't see the infrastructure. And they do not care.
Posted in: Democrats on the brink
8 years agoComment RoamingGnome
I tend to agree with the overall tone. That being the Hillary lost the election, Trump didn't win it. Hillary was a horrible candidate, but it was her "turn". The level of corruption in which she engages makes my skin crawl. I can't believe that it's legal for her to have sold her influence at State. That part blows my mind and was the last straw for me regarding her as a human being. I feel like she should be in prison for her actions, but apparently the things she has done aren't illegal. I don't know about the hack vs leak thing, and I really don't have an opinion on it.
8 years agoComment RoamingGnome
Why does the business need to continue to grow? It makes billions of dollars. Why isn't that enough? It's always got to be more, more, more with these people. The greed is disgusting.
8 years ago
I would like to see both parties go the way of the Dodo and let's adopt a parliamentary system. A parliamentary system is the only "fair" system. This winner-take-all BS is for the birds and does not work in a country of 330M people.
Posted in: Democrats on the brink
8 years ago
The same people believed, and still believe, that Donald Trump is one of them and has only the best interests of the middle class at heart and he wants to destroy the corruption that he has admitted to engaging in that made him billions of dollars. But, he's going to end it. Because he said so. And they rabidly believe every word he says. Just like they believe their preacher when he says the universe is only 6,000 years old. Because somebody smarter than them told them so. Just like they believe that assclown Bannon when he says climate change is a lie. Because he is smarter than them, and they are looking for somebody, anybody, to follow...just so long as that person wants to burn the whole thing down. God forbid somebody comes along that wants to make the world a better place. Give Trump's anti-science climate chief a few days, I'm sure he will come up with a reason why gravity is a liberal lie designed to take money from corporations so that they can't create jobs.
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8 years agoComment RoamingGnome
I spent the first 3 years of my life there. My dad was working on a construction project from early 1964 to late 1966. Steel drum music is so ingrained in me that when I hear it, it does something to me. It relaxes me, makes me feel...right. I dunno, it's hard to explain. This story makes me sad.
Posted in: ISIS in the Caribbean
8 years agoComment RoamingGnome
Jeff Sessions has his fingers in his ears screaming "nah nah nah nah nah nah".
8 years agoComment RoamingGnome
How many Iranians tried to bomb the WTC in 1993? How many Iranians flew airplanes into the WTC on 9/11? Now, let's ask how many Saudis were involved. Oops, that's a subject we don't discuss because the Saudis own so many of our politicians. How many of our politicians are owned by Iranians? Yeah, that's what a thought. Mystery solved.
Posted in: The Need to Hold Saudi Arabia Accountable
8 years agoComment RoamingGnome
Just so we are clear- this is the norm, not the exception.
8 years agoComment RoamingGnome
If they did that here, Trump would not have been alive to run for POTUS.
8 years ago
My friend's sister just sold her home in San Francisco and moved to Montana. This is an educated, ridiculously successful woman. She sold her home and moved for one reason- the bay area is way overdue for a nasty earthquake and she doesn't want to be anywhere near it when it happens.
8 years agoComment RoamingGnome
Sorry, but Carrier already punked him.
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8 years agoComment RoamingGnome
It's different when they do it. Just like all of the Chinese stuff that fills Trump's hotels, it's different when he does it. Just accept it and move on. All he needs is a few more tax breaks and he is going to make everyone a billionaire!
8 years ago
Let's not forget the bacha bazi. The CIA procured little boys for Afghan warlords to fondle.
8 years ago
I calls 'em as I sees 'em. As soon as your opinion matters, you will be the first to know.
8 years ago
They are Republicans. Douche moves are what they do best.
8 years ago
I'm a Sith Lord, what's your point?
8 years agoComment RoamingGnome
Yet they keep electing conservatives who don't believe in climate change or science. Stupid people play stupid games and win stupid prizes.
8 years agoComment RoamingGnome
Damn. When Mexico is a better place to live than your current country, uh, just damn. I had a tile setter do some work recently, he is from Honduras. We talked for quite a while about this topic. What a shithole.
8 years agoComment RoamingGnome
In that picture there is a larger representation of ethnic minorities than what comprises the population of this country. Just sayin'.
8 years agoComment RoamingGnome
Regarding Hannity, he could have ended his comment at "think" and it would have been the only true statement he has ever uttered.
8 years agoComment RoamingGnome
Today? The FBI has been the enemy of the Constitution and the concept of freedom since Hoover. Nothing has changed and nothing will change, unless it is for the worse.