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Published 9 years ago by RedLantern with 1 Comments

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  • HowSoonWasThen

    At first I thought this was the worst possible time to seek treatment. But now that I've had time to think about it, if someone is an alcoholic I could see the Playoffs being one of the most stressful and heaviest times for cravings and binges. Staring into the pressure of the Playoffs could easily send a person over the edge. So now I'm convinced that this really is the best time for CC to get help.

    I'm proud of the way the Yankees organization is handling this. For a club that is known for winning but hasn't been to the playoffs in a couple years, they're not being overly aggressive with the well being of their players. If A-Rod can wallop a few dingers in the postseason the team may even be able to use this situation as a rallying cry.

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