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Published 6 years ago by RXCKSTXR with 3 Comments

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  • Appaloosa

    fta "bathrooms have flimsy and incomplete stall and urinal dividers, horrific acoustics, and all too often long, pressuring lines. “

    You know, I avoid any public bathroom that has poor acoustics.

    • Maternitus (edited 6 years ago)

      Acoustics are important, indeed. I think "Leftover Chili in major C" should sound optimal, not just for the audience, but for yourself. It's the aromas that complete a well performed instance of this masterpiece, the sharing of that asks for more than just good acoustics. Is the bathroom clean, distances between stalls, open or closed doors, you name it. Other peoples' compositions and performances are even more important, since they are for the performers themselves and what if your Chili-concerto overwhelms their subtle hints of Anal Spring? It could ruin their day, you know. That being said, I prefer my compositions in the private atmosphere of my own toilet, just for the sheer meditative pleasure and the wondering about how such great food can be turned into something that vile like what's floating in the bowl. But when being forced to go public sometimes, I go for it all the way. Full on gassing, including sound-effects and sighs of relief. Really, it enhances the spirit in the room. Plus: the faces that you can enjoy while washing your hands or stepping outside. Pure gold. Or brown. Whatever. :-)

      • tranxene

        First time that I read something how someone takes a shit, and it even makes me smile.

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