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Published 9 years ago by PrismDragon with 0 Comments
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    So one day after a very difficult supper, his mom turned around... he cornered Opal with his pupils super thin, and tried to eat her...

    Rarity: Aglow, baby you should really try harder with the fooo... AHHHHHH!! AGLOW! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?? Aglow: looks at rarity RAWWRRRRRRR his roar made the windows shake Rarity: Covers her ears with her hooves SPIKE!!! SPIIIKEE!!!!

    Spike: WHAT!?!?! Rarity: Aglow is... trying to eat opal! Spike: Aglow...starts walking towards him

    Aglow: Hiisssss Shows teeth and roared again even louder Spike: Roars too, making Aglow retreat with his tail between his legs Aglow: his tummy growls and starts crying

    Rarity: Owww!! my Baby... Spike: He is super hungry... I am going to take him to eat something... Grabs Aglow from the back with his mouth Rarity: WAIT! gets near his sobbing baby, and kisses his forehead I am so sorry, I love you...

    WELL! that is how they learned that Aglow likes meat... baby dragons or draconies are dangerous when angry, scared or hungry... Daddy needed to be as tough as a wild dragon to make Aglow respect him...

    haha just a thing I thought a while ago...

    hope you guys like it!


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