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Published 9 years ago by PrismDragon with 1 Comments

Project Ascension • UI Design Mockups Reveal

Project Ascension's intent is to create an open-source and multi-platform launcher for storing games, searching for good deals and prices, and optionally using community features. Today marks the passing of the torch from the UI Developers to the Client Developers.


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  • KempfCreative

    Today marks the passing of the torch from the UI Developers to the Client Developers

    This does not sit well with me, a UI Developer. Rule number one in UX design is to solve a users problem, which you can only do successfully by working with all stakeholders, such as the actual Client developers and users during the design process. All they have done here is create an After Effects video using their UI elements. There is zero explanation of what problem this solves that is different from what Steam or Origin already are offering. Anybody can put together a flashy video, but when the process is UI -> Client and not Problem -> Concept -> UI, you aren't going to have a product that is worth anything valuable.

    Furthermore, it isn't even a good or innovative UI design. It is basically a reskin of Steam client. Even the majority of the navigation elements are in the same place. Just because it is open source isn't enough to validate such a blatant ripoff of already existing products.

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