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  • Video/Audio
    10 years ago
    +5 5 0

    StarCraft II professional gamer MaddeLisk receives a personal sponsorship from XMG

    Professional Starcraft player M|MaddeLisk receives a personal sponsorship from XMG And occasionally playing some Heartstone aswell :)

  • Video/Audio
    10 years ago
    +3 3 0

    Avenged Sevenfold - Welcome To The Family

    Avenged Sevenfold - Welcome To The Family From their fifth studio album Nightmare; released July 27, 2010.

  • Video/Audio
    10 years ago
    +8 8 0

    Brunch - Superman

    This is Superman, a song by Korean rock band Brunch from their 2005 album Imagine. Brunch are most notable for having a song of theirs featured on the There She Is! cartoon series originally uploaded to Newgrounds by animation studio SamBakZa.

  • Text Post
    10 years ago
    +3 3 0

    Dr Jim B. Tucker, M.D. discusses evidence uncovered suggestive of reincarnation in children recalling past lives

    Dr Jim B. Tucker, M.D. is an Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences at the University of Virginia. His specialization (much like his predecessor Dr. Ian Stevenson, has been reincarnation research.) Whereas Stevenson focused mainly on cases in Asia, Tucker's research has mainly been on cases involving children in America.

    Stevenson's work of studying thousands of past life memory cases, carried out over many decades until his retirement in 2002 and subsequent death in 2007 has been widely recognized by many academic fields excluding the scientific community insisting there are many holes in his research, including the mostly anecdotal nature of it, the possibilities of fraud, the possibilities of cryptomnesia and confirmation bias and how it would contradict biological findings.

    In this video, Tucker discusses the history of the University of Virginia's research into past life memories and highlights the primary focus on his (and Stevenson's) research; rare cases of children as young as two years old discussing memories of a previous life. What makes these cases so unusual is that child psychologists have noticed that these children are not acting as if they are imagining a scenario by constantly changing details in their story; rather their story has been consistent for years and years.

    Many of these cases have had many if not all of their details verified and in some cases, birth marks and birth defects have been linked towards fatal wounds in the previous life. He goes into detail on various cases and what consitutes a truly credible case.

    Explanations (including reincarnation) have been theorized as to why some children can possess these memories.

    Video link below.

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