Post Overview
11 years ago+20 20 0How the adult community is responding to Vine's porn ban
Since its launch more than a year ago, social video app Vine has had a reputation for being porn-friendly. Even when Vine made an effort to tighten its restrictions by blocking porn-related hashtags, it was still relatively hands-off compared to Face ...
11 years ago+10 10 0Stephen Colbert Rips NSA, Mt. Gox, Snowden in RSA Speech
As Reuters reported last year, computer security company RSA allegedly struck a secret $10 million deal to give the National Security Agency a “back door” into its encryption products. Time for some jokes!
11 years ago+17 17 0Forecasting the Flu to Build Better Vaccines
Health experts must create the seasonal flu vaccine long before the seasonal flu arrivesand it's different every time. Now, a new weapon.
11 years ago+15 15 0Knight's Tour - Numberphile
The knight's tour and magic knight's tour.
11 years ago+14 14 0Vinyl Won't Make A Comeback Until We Have More Record Presses
Guys! Have you heard? LPs are coming back. Collecting records is so trendy. Digital sucks. The future is vinyl. Yes, you've heard, because people have been hyping vinyl nostalgia for years. A recent report from Nielson SoundScan fanned the flame ...
11 years ago+14 14 0Desperate parents turn to medical marijuana in last-ditch effort to improve their children's lives
PREMIER Denis Napthine says he supports the decision of the medical administration not to legalise medicinal marijuana, even after it has been revealed it saved a young girl's life. Victorian mum Cheri O'Connell spoke out about the benefits ...
Current Event
11 years ago+14 14 0Woman who took her own life over bedroom tax would have been exempt
A woman who killed herself last year, leaving a note in which she blamed her death on financial stress exacerbated by the bedroom tax, would have been exempt and eligible for a housing benefit refund were she still alive, it has emerged.
11 years ago+15 15 0The Other Darwin
Charles Darwin based some of his theory of evolution on the work of a man you’ve never heard of. An animation looks at the life and work of A. R. Wallace.
Current Event
11 years ago+20 20 0Dennis Rodman back to N. Korea despite political tension
Retired basketball star Dennis Rodman will return to North Korea for a third time on Thursday, despite political tension surrounding the execution of leader Kim Jong Un's uncle, trip organisers said. "It's certainly safe, even when the ...
11 years ago+17 17 0 x 1CELL PHONE CRASHING at the AIRPORT!
Don't you hate when people talk loudly on their phones in public? Why not have some fun with it and "crash" their calls!
Current Event
11 years ago+6 8 2Toy Guns Should Not Look Like Real Ones: California Lawmaker
Pellet guns and other toy weaponry should not be allowed to look like the real thing, a California lawmaker said Friday, vowing to introduce a bill to ban such replicas following the accidental killing of a 13-year-old boy by sheriff's deputies.
11 years ago+18 18 0Xbox One controller cost over $100 million to develop, smell-o-vision and built-in projector were considered
While Sony was content to toy with radical designs for the PlayStation 4's controller, it turns out Microsoft took a more conservative approach when building the Xbox One's gamepad. GamesBeat scored a look at the controller creation process ...
11 years ago+7 7 0The NSA’s Rent Is Too Damn High
For months, the American public has received a steady stream of new information detailing the massive scale and scope of the United States’ spying activities. Of course, maintaining a surveillance state powerful enough to reach into the inboxes of wo ...
Current Event
11 years ago+14 14 0The largest Wi-Fi network in the world is officially making its U.S. launch
Fon was founded in 2006 and has been busy propagating its “give a little, get a lot” business model since then, mainly in Europe. The sharing economy will tap blood from a stone, and Fon is applying the concept to Wi-Fi. Fon piggybacks on its users’ ...
11 years ago+8 8 0 x 1Can E-Books Save The Neighborhood Bookstore?
A startup called Zola Books has paired with the popular novelist Audrey Niffenegger, author of The Time Traveler’s Wife, to try to save brick-and-mortar shops.
11 years ago+6 6 0How's The Sausage Made?
With the current bloom of artisanal small-batch producers across the country, you'd think that all you need to start up a new food business is a good idea and a lot of gumption. And for the most part, that's true. But when it comes to artis ...
11 years ago+10 10 0 x 2The Birth of Cool
Coul, coole, koole: How we got from cool temperatures to cool cats.
11 years ago+11 11 0Why suicide rate among veterans may be more than 22 a day
Every day, 22 veterans take their own lives. That's a suicide every 65 minutes. As shocking as the number is, it may actually be higher.
11 years ago+6 6 0Vinyl Sales Increase 17.7% Since 2011
Despite the climb in digital music downloads, consumers are getting back to vinyl. More than 4.6 million records were sold in 2012, a 17.7% increase from 2011.
Current Event
11 years ago+13 13 0Church of England has up to £10m invested in arms firm
On eve of protests at London arms fair, C of E is accused of failing to live up to the 'spirit' of its own investment policy