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Published 10 years ago by Nuri with 0 Comments

HabitRPG_RPG style task management app

First of all, I'm not good at English. I ask for understanding that point. I work as game marketer in South Korea where E-sports is very popular. So, I wanna talk about games in general with you.

  • HabitRPG Review

    Few weeks ago, I found an app which name is [HabitRPG] at Google Android market.

    Basically, This app is for task management. And it can help your self development such as [doing good habits] and [not doing bad habits].

    HabitRPG is not only task management app but also RPG game, so it has 'character lvl up system'. Through this app, you can raise your avatar and you can buy&equip armory to your character.

    At the beginning of every year, I usually make up my mind to manage daily rotuine and get rid of bad habbits such as smoking and laziness. But... you can guess that I failed most of times~ :)

    In that point, HabitRPG is useful to person who likes RPG games. You can motivated by RPG game system what this app offers.

    First, you can set your basic habit lists. And you should check success or fail on your conscience every day. Your avatar grows up depending on your daily tasking. You'll feel really great about growth of your avatar and development of your real life.

    This service offers on PC online platfome and mobile app together. So you can use HabitRPG on your PC too.

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