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Published 6 years ago by Nelson with 8 Comments

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  • capoti

    OK I get the first 10 points (although point 1 is an OPINION), but what the fuck is this: "11. And last, but not least: "RUSSIA COLLUSION!" Russian collusion is perhaps the greatest hoax perpetrated on the American people. THERE IS NO COLLUSION!"

    • junglman

      Yep more BS lies. And then below that they shoved in another list of his so-called accomplishments. Sad really

  • TentativePrince

    Well that was a let down. So basically they cherry picked the few stories a news team made a mistake on, but then corrected themselves with a retraction, correction, and/or appology. And why isn't Faux News on there? That Seth rich story took them weeks before it was retracted.

    • xXwraithXx

      Trump mentioned something when he announced these "awards" over twitter that he won't include Fox in this list.

  • junglman

    So anything that's not on this list can be assumed as true?

  • jackthetripper

    Hosted on GOP.com? That means the whole party in involved in this. This will burn them down the road.

    • Nelson

      Not that much lower they can go really. They would rather waste time on this than working on stuff that matters, like not shutting down the fucken government.

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