MrBlueSky's feed
9 years agoAchievement MrBlueSky
Rock Star
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9 years agoLevel Up MrBlueSky
Level 5
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9 years agoAchievement MrBlueSky
Hat Trick
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+1335 XP -
9 years agoComment MrBlueSky
and how can I edit my post...HOW!!!
Because..'I am told I have made a comment'...I mean I was there. I pressed the button....that is SO annoying
9 years agoText Post MrBlueSky
What do I Click on to find the 'Front Page' showing links from my subs?
1 comments in posted into
9 years agoComment MrBlueSky
Seriously..where can I find good content I really want to find things I am interested in and this is on my feed of science and food? and who is Taylor Swift and why should I care?..I am really despairing about Snapzu here..I mean how does this end up on a profile like mine??? I deleted all social media?
Posted in: Taylor Swift sued over Shake It Off lyrics
9 years agoLevel Up MrBlueSky
Level 4
MrBlueSky is now level 4 with 6,255 XP.
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9 years agoAchievement MrBlueSky
Chatter Box
Posted a total of 10/10 comments! Congratulations MrBlueSky on this achievement!
+1330 XP -
9 years ago
I much to scan through, so much boring...I am sure there was a sub called 'knitting'. but I was asking how t search for a sub...and when I do, it seems the sub ;science' does not exist ...weird
Posted in: So how do I find /v/science?
9 years ago
Yes, and thank you for the link...but how do I search for a sub when the search says it does not exist?
or do I rely on links?
Posted in: So how do I find /v/science?
9 years ago
Well that is what the upvote button is for,,to agree
9 years agoComment MrBlueSky
Nice as this sub is..I need to see some other subs, its boring just seeing the same old sub
and at the moment, its here or my in box, and both are boring...and I was told snapzu was interesting?
Posted in: So how do I find /v/science?
9 years agoLevel Up MrBlueSky
Level 3
MrBlueSky is now level 3 with 3,230 XP.
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9 years agoText Post MrBlueSky
So how do I find /v/science?
6 comments in posted into
9 years ago
Thanks, the other guy was really helpful, but you summed it up in one sentence...any post, no link required?
9 years ago
Many thanks for your help and time, you seem a really nice person
9 years ago
" a user-created hub serving content"..I may need a translation into human speak?
9 years agoText Post MrBlueSky
Not sure if this is the right place..but what is a 'snap'?
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9 years agoLevel Up MrBlueSky
Level 2
MrBlueSky is now level 2 with 1,880 XP.
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9 years agoAchievement MrBlueSky
Rock Star
Followed by 2/2 members! Congratulations MrBlueSky on this achievement!
+1300 XP -
9 years agoText Post MrBlueSky
So a friend on voat said 'come to Snapzu, its great', so Hi?
16 comments in posted into