Moonhowler22's feed

  • 9 years ago
    Comment Moonhowler22

    Let's see...I watched Concrete Revolutio, Hunter x Hunter 2011, K: Return of Kings, Noragami S2, One Punch Man, Owarimonogatari, Sakurako-san (Bones), Symphogear S1, Railgun, Utwarerumono 2015, and the original Utawarerumono.

    Revolutio continues to confuse the hell out of me. I still have no idea where it's heading, but I really like it so far. Excellent character designs, lots of color, and hints at over-the-top fights to come.

    HxH is the first long-running shounen I've watched in a long time. I haven't watched one since Naruto Shippuden about 2 years ago - which reminds me, I need to pick that back up. Looks like a typical shounen, lots of power ups coming, not much of a plot at the moment, 30 episodes in. Entertaining though.

    K: Return of Kings is still mostly Form over Function. I can't say the story is gripping, the characters are OK - Bartender is, so far, my favorite - though I like the Blue King as well. Super pretty visuals, but really heavy on Red -> Green gradients. It's a little overbearing, if I'm honest. Still, could get very interesting soon. Hoping it picks up steam.

    Noragami S2 is still great. S1 was fun, culminating in a great fight scene. S2 is nice so far - looks great, action is fun, story is good. No overarching plot as of yet that I can see, but that will happen soon. We've met the main antagonist, and I predict said person will be the final villain our intrepid trio will have to deal with.

    OPM is awesome. Love the humor, love the crazy powerfulness of it all. Can't wait to see where it goes.

    Owarimonogatari. What's there to say? It's Monogatari. Lots of dialogue, mystery, and things that I think are supposed to be deep but I think I'm just missing it. Like the characters so far, but not my favorite arc. 15 episodes long though, so there's time. Will withhold judgement until later date.

    Sakurako-san. Meh.

    Symphogear. <3. Fucking love it. Way better than I thought. I will need to watch the other seasons just because. Maybe not as good as S1, but I'm hoping they're good. Symphogear has lots of plot, especially in Ep 3 and 4. Seriously, why can't more anime use skin-tight suits and have more crotch-shots but not focus on that? It's what I've always wanted - a show that panders to the "plot" crowd, but isn't full of the normal shounen tropes. Love it. Last episode I swear she got bukkaked. Swear to god. It was awesome.

    Railgun. I lover her socks/ankle warmers. I don't know why. Touma still hilarious.

    Utawarerumono 2015 is...different. MC isn't as dumb as he appears to be. He gets what's going on. I'm upset that I'm missing a lot of the references that are apparently being made, so I have decided to watch the original Utawarerumono as well as read/play the VN. So far, both are great. I really, really dig Utawarerumono 2006's OP. Also, everyone isn't a moe-blob! Woo! Go 2006!

    show moreshow less
  • 9 years ago
    Comment Moonhowler22

    I only caught the tail of end Ep 3, but I heard there was a shirt-partway-off talk. Nothing more necessary. 10/10.

    Ep 4 had great camera work. Lots of great angles, very important stage-setting shots. Lots of plot. What's a show without plot?

    Excited for Ep 5 and 6.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment Moonhowler22

    Maybe you shouldn't hate on this show so much you cute-girl-hater.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment Moonhowler22

    That was a lot better than I expected. I wasn't sure what to expect, but it's looking like it could get really interesting. I don't know that I really like that they have to sing to stay powered up, but it keeps the battle music interesting. It's kind of a weird mashup of different genres and feels. One the one hand, it feels like a generic action movie. But at the same time, the show doesn't shy away from death, violence, and gore. I'm interested to see where it goes. It'll be hard to hold on for the weekly watches.


    Don't you tell me to stop typing. Or you get letter vomit.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment Moonhowler22

    Thanks! I'm looking forward to checking out the site and everyone in it.

  • 9 years ago
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  • 9 years ago
    Comment Moonhowler22

    Appreciate it! Seems like a fairly small, tight community (Coming from Reddit where the communities can be hundreds of thousands to millions) so it'll be cool to get to know people.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment Moonhowler22

    I'll definitely check those out! Thanks

  • 9 years ago
    Comment Moonhowler22

    Thanks for the links! I'm already following /t/anime, in fact it was some /t/anime members that brought me here. I'll check out the other ones too. Thanks!

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  • 9 years ago
    Comment Moonhowler22

    I'm digging the whole thing. I enjoy my serious action series. But not the ones filled with drama. Just...action without being dramatic action. Not every fight has the future on the line, not every person who dies is a travesty. This will be fun. I have the 1st ep. BD pre-ordered. Am excite.

  • 9 years ago
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  • 9 years ago
    Text Post Moonhowler22

    I suppose Introduction Posts are neat.

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