9 years ago
[Humble Store] DRM Freedom Sale - Super Meat Boy (88% off), To The Moon (80% off), The Bridge (92% off), Audiosurf (89% off), OlliOlli (85% off), Q.U.
The Humble Store offers a great selection of games at great prices for PC, Mac, Linux and Android with new games added daily.
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I still fire up Audiosurf and play it once in awhile. It's satisfying playing a game with music you love.
Audiosurf is always such an experience. I need to play it way more often. ... brb
I'd heard such great things about To the Moon, and was really excited to play it once I bought it from Humble, but it just kept crashing my computer.
140 is a neat little rhythm platformer. If you enjoy Terry Cavanagh's stuff (VVVVVV & Super Hexagon) you might enjoy this as well. Can't go wrong for $0.99!