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Published 9 years ago by Medicine with 6 Comments

What is a TL;DR version of your life up to this point?

Try to keep it 2 sentences max!

  • My TL;DR:

    Christian youth leader, discovered I loved science, faith crumbled and fell into deep depression and anxiety. Got better after about 3 years and recently starting my 2nd year of med school


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  • massani

    Got recruited by the gays at an early age. Now I'm pulling a Van Wilder, going slowly through college while promoting our gay agenda! >:D

  • Psychotropic

    TL;DR: Was born, fell behind in school, still behind in school.

  • ttubravesrock

    Went to school, met my wife, then moved to Alaska.

  • papervoid

    Grew up under very strict parents. Now works in advertising, plays roller derby, and does comedy wrestling.

  • AinBaya

    tl;Dr silly tubby kid with glasses, goes to school but lives on computer. Have kids dream job of Toys r Us and compyer tech. Cathartic feeling when finished school, overseas with 39 friends volunteering, travelling and learning.

  • GeniusIComeAnon

    Avid trier of things, Jack of all trades. Fell behind in school due to sickness, on road to reclaiming what I lost.

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