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Published 1 month ago by Maternitus with 8 Comments

What's up with Snapzu?

The last week this wonderful website felt like an echochamber. Hardly any activity, a static frontpage, not as usual. Are the admins on vacation? Is everyone on vacation? Are there problems running the site? So many questions...

  • So, tell me, what's up?


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  • estherschindler

    I don't know what's up either.

    This site really deserves more attention. People share cool stuff but nobody seems to know it exists.

    • Maternitus

      Well, what we can do is promoting it more. I've never used the codes you get to attract people, for instance. Thing is: everybody on this site is very polite, well mannered and has a certain amount of intelligence. I mean that in the least snobistic way. It has not the divisions you see pretty much everywhere, not the linguistic violence and certainly no controversies. That is the absolute strength of this site and the people visiting. Being polite is not mainstream.

  • sjvn

    Is this thing on? Taps keyboard. Helloooo...

  • Gozzin

    Good question...I don't know. Sometimes there are lags here,but I really don't know why.

    • Maternitus (edited 1 month ago)

      Sometimes the site loads slowly, but that is, I think, because of the server it is hosted on and some of the coding. But hardly any activity at all, is crazy. I even saw someone active two weeks back, who wasn't active for a year or so. But she (?) is one of the anciennes here, maybe the main boss is off for a bit and she (?) looks out for him (?).. On the other hand, this site runs, just as most forum-like driven sites, automated to the max.

  • b1ackbird

    Well I'm back at least! Sorry to see it in such a state though!

    I've added a few things here and there. I'll try to be a little more engaged again.

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