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Published 7 years ago by Maternitus with 8 Comments

Thirst by Martinus

20 * 20 cm - acrylics on canvas - Not adopted yet.


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  • AdelleChattre

    ”Hello, I’d like to add you to my professional network on Linkedin”

    • Maternitus

      "I bet you say that to all the boys on the playground."


      • AdelleChattre

        I was going to’ve put just an exclamation mark, because dang. But then I realized we live in the far future, and progress has given us tools. Still, if I said you had a great mind’s eye, would you gaze it upon me?

        • Maternitus

          I gaze a lot, mostly it is that special coffee, but yeah, I would gaze upon thee. :-)

          • AdelleChattre

            Tranxene’s a lucky girl.

            • Maternitus

              Well, for several months I wouldn't know, since we are not together anymore.

            • AdelleChattre
              @Maternitus -

              Zoinks! Please do forgive. That's what I get for not using Facecrook. Team Snapzu, urgent feature request!

            • Maternitus
              @AdelleChattre -

              No, that's okay. A private life should be private, but sometimes these things happen. Do not worry, please. :-)

              Stay away from Facebook, really it'll hurt your brains and your browser will probably need several extra RAM. It's not good over all, actually. ;-)

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