KiwiBirdz's feed

  • 9 years ago
    Level Up KiwiBirdz

    Level 2

    KiwiBirdz is now level 2 with 1,010 XP.

     View Unlocks  
    • Profile Title You now have the ability to enter a profile title.
    • Tribe Membership The maximum amount of tribes you can join has been raised by 5 to a total of 55.
  • 9 years ago
    Current Event KiwiBirdz

    ATO is still having problems with myTax & MyGov. System never passed load testing

    ATO is still suffering technical difficulties with the new myTax system. An internal source said the network link connecting myTax with MyGov was a "standard connection" which couldn't handle traffic above 2500 users at any given time, and had "never passed pressure testing". Users wanting to use e-tax 2015 can download it from here: