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Published 9 years ago by Karenkisssed with 2 Comments

I spent 3 weeks lurking Voat. 1 hour as a member. In that time I was harassed, doxxed, and sent death threats. All because I posted a Buzzfeed article

  • I guess I'm looking for reassurance that I didn't actually do anything to do this. I'm leaving Voat and I didn't realise how hostile it could be til today.

    After lurking Voat and enjoying reading some of the comments I decided that I wanted to join. I've had bad experiences on Reddit but figured as it's a new site it might go a bit better. While I tended to frequent /r/fancyfolicles and /r/makeupaddiction I do quite like /r/games and /r/lowendgaming.

    I don't think I should link to the Voat thread but the Buzzfeed article was this: http://www.buzzfeed.com/karenkissed/5-websites-you-need-to-survive-college-as-a-first-1pjxa

    I took a few images from a post in /r/redditalternatives and made something through Buzzfeed's community posts as anyone can signup to make anything. It's not like it's official or anything but I wanted to share this with people I knew and thought it'd help. I wanted to be part of this new community but before I knew it everything I said or tried to say was taken apart.

    I don't think I'm a SJW with a mission it was literally because I find most places online to be geared towards one gender or another. In fact I'm just going to stop talking about that altogether but I would love to know if anyone here has any spaces they'd recommend that are friendly and don't view this as an attack on things here. Because I don't want to promote any needs or cause I just want to be part of a community that shares the same interests that I do.


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  • rosellem

    Voat is where all the worst people from reddit ended up. I spent a few days there before giving it up. You'll be much happier here.

  • Apolatia

    I'm sure it's safe to say that won't happen here. We act like adults here.

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